Biodanza Skolan

Biodanza Stockholm Skola SRT

Äntligen har vi öppnat registreringen till vår unika och efterlängtade utbildning för att certifiera sig som Biodanza facilitator.

Det är den enda av sitt slag inom Sverige, där personlig utveckling, musik och dans förenas till en holistisk metod för personlig utveckling. Biodanza är en erkänd dansmetod internationellt och har nyligen börjat sprida sig i svensk kontext.

Psykologer, läkare, socialarbetare, aktivister, dansare, forskare, konstnärer och andra nyfikna söker sig till Biodanza eftersom den möjliggör för människor att komma i kontakt med de oändliga möjligheter vi har för att uttrycka oss, möta oss själva och andra människor genuint.

Välkomna att prova en helg under den första års utbildningen!!

Vi träffas en gång i månaden för att tillsammans utforska dansen och musikens hälsofrämjande aspekter genom helgmodulernas olika teman.

Utbildningen är certifierad av Internationella Biodanza skolan.

Pris– Varje modul kostar 2000 kr. Du kan reserverar din plats genom att betala i förskott 1000 kr i bankgiro nummer 5193-4057

Plats-Biodanza lärarutbildning sker på Subtopia, ett centrum för konst, kultur och socialt engagemang söder om Stockholm, i Botkyrka kommun


22 -23 Januari “The Vivencia” med Rosario Hernandez
19 – 20 Februari ” Biological aspects of Biodanza” med Rosario Hernandez
19 – 20 Mars ” Biocentric principle and the living unconsciousness” med Rosario Hernandez
23 – 24 April ” Identity and integration” med Rosario Hernandez
21 – 22 Maj “Mythical and philosophical origins of Biodanza” med Augusto Magdalena from Brasil/Spain
11 – 12 Juni ” Contact and Cares” med Rosario Hernandez
Juli– Uppehåll
Oktober ” Trance and regression” Ej bekräftat
26 – 27 November ” Physiological aspects of Biodanza” Marcus Stueck, Tyskland
11 – 12 December ” Transcendens” Flavio Bofetti, Italien


🎓 27-28 Januari “Sexualitet” Alejandro Balbín Toro, Bryssel

🎓18-19 februari “Affekttivitet” med Rosario Hernandez. Biodanza skoldirekör av Stockholm.

🎓1-2 april “Creativitet” med Sylvie Tempel. Biodanza skoldirektör av Tel-Aviv, Israel

🎓29 – 30 april. Application and extension of biodanza” med Rosario Hernández

🎓 10 – 11 June “Action mechanisms of biodanza” med Unni Heim. Oslo Skoldirekör

🎓July uppenhåll

🎓 19-20 august “Biodanza ars magna ” with Rosario Hernández

🎓 16-17 September “Biodanza och neuroscience” Fernando Tucho, Madrid skoldirektör. Spain

🎓14 -15 October. “Methodology I” (musical semantics). Rosario Hernández, Stockholm skoldirektör

🎓11-12 November “Social action”. Lärare ej bekräftat

🎓9-10 December ” Methodology II” (biodanza session). Rosario Hernández , Stockholm skoldirektör


Januari uppehåll!

🎓 Februari 3-4 modul XXIII Metodik III (biodanza session 2). Rosario Hernandez

🎓Mars 2-3 modul XXIV Metodik lV “Biodanza veckokurs och maratonlopp” Rosario Hernandez

🎓April 13-14 modul XXV “Biodanza och musik” med Augusto Magdalena. 

🎓Maj 11-12 modul XXVI Metodik VI “Utvärderingskriterier av utvecklingsprocessen på Biodanza”  Rosario Hernandez

🎓Juni/juli  Modul XXVII Metodik V “Gruppen”  ej bekräftat datum och lärare

🎓Augusti Modul XXVIII Metodik “Officiell lista över övningar, musik och demonstrationer” Rosario Hernandez. Ej bekräftat datum


The training program consists of thirty modules made once week-end a month. Totally it takes about three years.

1. Definition of Theoretical Model of Biodanza

2. Biocentric Principle and living unconsciousness

3. The vivencia

4. Biological aspects of Biodanza

5. Physiological aspects of biodanza

6. Psychological aspects of biodanza

7. Mythic and philosophic antecedents of biodanza

8. Identity and integration

9. Trance and regression

10. Contact and caress

11. The human movement

12. Vitality

13. Sexuality

14. Creativity

15. Affectivity

16. Transcendence

17. Action mechanisms of biodanza

18. Application and extension of biodanza

19. Biodanza ars magna

20. Biodanza and social action

21. Music in biodanza

22. Methodology I (musical semantics)

23. Methodology II (biodanza session)

24. Methodology III (biodanza session)

25. Methodology IV (weekly course and stage of biodanza)

26. Methodology V (biodanza group)

27. Methodology VI (development evaluation measures in Biodanza)

28. Methodology VII ( official list of the Biodanza exercises)

29. Seminary

30. Seminary


The training course in Biodanza has a three years duration, it consists in twenty-eight modules, two lectures about theoretical theme related to the Biodanza system. A theoretical report about the treated theme every weekend of the course, leading a group under the supervision beginning from the third year, the presentation of a monograph to receive the diploma.

Each module consists in three theoretical lessons that will be completed by theoretical material written by Rolando Toro corresponding on the theme and four vivencial lessons.

1.Theoretical studies,

It consists in the study of the Biodanza theory and its basics, linked to the sciences of life. Theoretical subjects are given in the order indicated in the Unique Programme of Biodanza training Students have to present a short report about the theme treated in the previous module. The aim is to train students to express correctly the theoretical Biodanza concepts in their own way.

2. Lectures about similar topics

Lectures will be organized in two modules, to reach a total of eight lectures. Lecturships will be hold by specialists or by a students’ team of a given subject.

3. The elaboration of the vivencia

The elaboration of the vivencia in a personal level or in a group one. In the training lectures, one gives a lot of importance to´the vivencia relationships and the given theoretical theme. It’s very important for the pupil to participate to a Biodanza weekly group to study in depth the vivencia. In the city where there are no Biodanza teachers it is recommended the participation to vivencial lectures once the two months.

4. Methodology

Teaching approach to the methodological sources to lead groups of Biodanza. The unique Biodanza training program includes seven modules about methodology. The aim of these modules is to make the student able to do his work.

5. The internship

It’s a weekly experience of managing a Biodanza group supervised by a teacher. It’s necessary to reach a number of eight supervised sessions (two hours each). The supervised period can start only after the permit of the school director.

6. Social activity

Students can realize a social activity offering biodanza to social outcasts, to advanced age people, to institutions protecting childhood, etc.

7. Monograph

Elaboration of a monograph about a theoretical or practical aspect of Biodanza. The monograph will be realized following the orientation of a teacher, that will supervise the work.

8. Graduation

It consists in the presentation of the monograph before a committee. The exam will be realized before a committee organized by the school which the student belong to. If the monograph is approved, the student will become a teacher of Biodanza.

9. Biodanza teacher degree

To obtain the diploma of Biodanza teacher, the student will be signed at the International Biocentric Foundation by the school director, who will provide the number of professional registry. Theoretical and vivencial modules of the training in Biodanza main standards are to accede to the training course.

1. Participate to a weekly biodanza group with a graduated teacher

2. Education level: high school graduation (except particular case)

3. Don’t show clear dissociations according to the Biodanza principles

Dans, Rörelse, Hälsa, Pedagogik, Terapi, Integration